Leadership Club

Leadership Club

Classes/Leadership Club

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  • Objectives

    • Enhance Self-Esteem: Activities should promote a sense of accomplishment.
    • Build Confidence: Encourage skill development and mastery.
    • Designing and Developing Social Skills: Foster teamwork and cooperation.
    • Teach Problem-Solving: Use projects to cultivate critical thinking and creativity.
  • Activities

    • Woodworking Projects: Simple projects like birdhouses, picture frames, or small furniture items.
    • DIY Crafts: Painting, building models, or creating functional art from recycled materials.
    • Collaborative Projects: Group activities that require planning and cooperation.
    • Skill-Building WorkshopsSessions focused on building profitable products th


    1. Reinforcement: The hallmark of ABA is Positive reinforcement which encourages participation and effort.
    2. Task Analysis: Breaking down projects into manageable steps to ensure success.
    3. Prompting and Fading: Providing guidance when needed and gradually reducing support.
    4. Data Collection: supervising therapists , therapists, instructors and BCBA Monitors progress and making data-driven decisions.The self esteem confidence course is adapted from the following research.
    5. Part of above ABA treatment has been adapted from the following researchers and authors: - Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). *Applied Behavior Analysis* (3rd ed.). Pearson.
    6. Above program is based on the following EVIDENCE SCIENTIFIC ABA PROGRAM.
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